Endless Snow matched only by Endless Fevers

Do-Bug’s bouts with illness are usually relatively infrequent compared with the average four year old.

But this winter, like the compounded snow storms, has been fraught with extended bouts of fever-filled colds.

Between the two, I don’t think she’s has a full week of school since the beginning of December.

We are both stir-crazy.  And I’ve given up thinking I’ll ever catch up with work.

Do-Bug Bundled Up in Bed

read this; you’ll feel better

Embarrassments are, um, embarrassing.  Here, read mine and then you’ll feel better about yours.

  1. We’ve been cooped up in the house with an ugly fever since Sunday.  Yesterday, I walked in the door after being outside for the first time in days and realized that my house smells like…farts.
  2. Today, Do-bug was well enough to go back to school.  Yay!  Dada drove her in.  And then I got a call, “Um…is there school today?  There doesn’t really seem to be anyone there.”  So I checked the calendar where it says in bold letters, NO SCHOOL.  Her teacher came out at the same time to witness our mortification.  And then I realized that this is what it meant on my calendar for last week when I had a note written to myself to sign Do-bug up for Discovery Care.

Feel better?

Good; thought you would.

I’m going to go light a candle.

auspicious beginnings: my numerological year of grace

some years ago, i’ve lost track of when, i made the discovery that i will be turning 33 on 11/11/11.

That’s 4 powerful numbers all lined up in honor of my birth.

i’ve been dreaming of a massive party ever since.

i just never figured it would come so soon.

i’ve got an hour left of 1/1/11 and then the count down is on.

i feel kind of under pressure, actually.  shouldn’t someone with such a birthday be ruling the world by now or living on a higher plane perhaps?  and what if my party stinks?

the birth of a new year has done little to make me worry less about life…but it’s all good.  i’ve made my wishes for the day and on 11/11/11 i’ll make a few more.  and then i’ll tell myself what i tell my child, “the best wishes are the ones you make come true.”

Happy New Year, World.

Mindful Theatre…coming soon to a conference near you

The Boston Theatre Conference is this February…it’s all about applying the Slow Food Movement to Theatre.  In a grande advance social media undertaking, StageSource has been posting guest blog posts for a couple of months which will continue through the conference.

Mine’s up:

It took a child to make me slow down and choose a mindful life: notice the flavors of my meals, the bumps under my feet, the tightening around the eyes as my friend launches herself into a daunting scene, the inhale through the nose of a playwright before she pitches her story.  As it turns out, I like living slowly and mindfully: seeing people and life as valuable, essential, beautiful and whole beings.

Those of us wrapped up in theatre (or, really, any non-profit sector) can forget the value of approaching each other mindfully.  We are so wrapped up in interpreting and improving the world that we lose sight of the very community in which we create.  Tech week happens at top speed with people losing sleep and eating too much pizza.  Actors miss family holidays for auditions.  Artistic Directors skip their breaks in favor of mini-meetings.  Administrators eat lunch staring at a computer screen.  Our love becomes our work, our work becomes our life, and suddenly we are losing sight of life.

You can read the whole thing at the Boston Theatre Conference Blog.